Saturday 4 June 2011

A Summer Scramble - Cadair Idris

Aside from it being a very long time since this post was updated, the term has come to an end and Expeds have to wait until September before we all get together on trips again. Which was why me and James decided to go for a scramble on Cadair Idris to tie us over for the summer.

It began at 7.30am on a Saturday morning, not exactly a good start, I mean, a sleep in would have been nice...anyway, we met at the bus stop and caught out to Minfordd, and seeing as the weather was absolutely beautiful, set off straight away up the notorious first few steps of Cadair. We quickly made it up to Llyn Cae, and sat about contemplating going for a swim, before heading off to the right of the lake, and heading directly up the large slabs of rock leading to the top.
The scrambling turned out to be pretty good, and sustained, leading directly onto (one of) the summit ridges. With some nice exposure, a few tricky moves and no-other tourists around, it was a brilliant way to ascend Cadair. Once we got to the summit, Rocky decided to start having a look at the next challenge on Cadair, the Cyfrwy Arete. (more on that another time)

Following the Minfordd route down, it didn't take us long, and with the heat of the day, I thought it was a good time to take a swim in Llyn Cae. All of which lasted for about 15 seconds, when I decided it was too cold. (However, James didn't swim at all, so he loses man points).
It was pretty refreshing, and since we had made great time, we got lazy, and lay down for a long while, before messing around on the way back down, which led to Rocky getting stranded and me having to rescue him. I think the various other hikers on the mountain were a little confused about why two grown men were with a mountian goat, but hey.

All in all, a great day, a great scramble, and a great way to end the year of Expeds and refresh this blog for all of you coming to Aber in September 2011. Look for us at freshers faire!

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